POCA – Projects for NGOs starting with July!
June 13, 2016
According to the launches calendar published on the website of the Managing Authority for the Administrative Capacity Operational Programme, the projects for NGOs are expected to be launched in the following months:
- July 2016 – Increasing the capacity of NGOs and social partners to formulate policy alternatives;
- December 2016 – Supporting actions regarding the unitary application of rules, mechanisms and procedures in matters of ethics and integrity, as well as measures to prevent corruption in the public authorities and institutions;
- January 2017 – Increasing the capacity of NGOs and social partners to support and promote development at local level and to interact with public authorities and institutions of local administration;
The calendar presents also information like the financial allocation, the eligible beneficiaries and the type of call, (non)competitive, by case.
For further information access the calendar here: http://poca.ro/calendar-lansari/