POCU – launching of ”School for all!” and ”Motivated teachers in disadvantaged schools”!
September 14, 2016
The Ministry of European Funds launched yesterday, 13th September 2016, two new calls for projects within POCU 2014-2020, with submission deadline: 15th November 2016.
“School for all” (SO 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6) – financing line dedicated to:
- facilitating the access to education and preventing / reducing the rate of early school leaving;
- increasing the quality of educational services;
- developing the capacity of human resources in schools;
Target group:
- Children with ante-preschool age (2-3 years), preschool age, students from groups with school dropout risk, with accent on the ones belonging to Roma minority and from rural areas/disadvantaged communities, including their parents;
- Teachers and other specialists in education;
- Youngsters and adults who abandoned school;
Maximum project value:
- Simple projects: maximum 1.450.000 euro;
- Combined projects: maxim 2.100.000 euro.
Non-reimbursable financing:
- 100% for NGOs; 95% for private beneficiaries; 98%/85% for public institutions;
Eligible applicants:
- NGOs;
- Religious institutions;
- Public or private educational institutions;
- The Ministry of Education and subordinated bodies;
- Various organizations with attributions in education area, according to the Guidelines;
“Motivated teachers in disadvantaged schools” (SO 6.2, 6.3, 6.6) – financing line dedicated to:
- attracting and maintaining quality, competent and motivated human resources in the target schools;
- developing the institutional capacity of managerial teams from the target schools;
Target group:
- Teachers from secondary schools;
- Support staff from schools;
- School managers;
- Social partners personnel, including NGOs, which work in the targeted schools;
Project value:
- Large projects (min. 300 persons from the target group, from the same development region category) – maximum 1.500.000 euro;
- Small projects (min. 90 persons from the target group, from the same development region category) – 450.000 euro
Non-reimbursable financing:
- 100% for NGOs; 95% for private beneficiaries; 98%/85% for public institutions;
Eligible applicants:
- NGOs;
- Public or private educational institutions;
- Local public authorities with responsibilities in the field;
- Guidance, counselling, scholar mediation services providers;
- Ministry of Education and subordinated institutions;
- Social partners from pre-university education system;
- National Administration of Penitentiaries and subordinated institutions (SO 6.3 and 6.6);