POCU – New Applicant Guidelines
September 6, 2016
The Ministry of European Funds published under public consultation 3 new Applicant Guidelines for:
- „Training of personnel involved in health priority projects” – projects up to 4.000.000 euro. Among eligible applicants: Ministry of Health, public health authorities alone or in partnership with relevant actors: Universities; NGOs etc.
- “Quality education in nurseries” – noncompetitive call, one project of 13 mil. euro. Eligible applicant: Ministry of Education and other subordinated bodies. Among eligible partners are: educational institutions – ISCED 1; suppliers of guidance, counseling, mediation and alternative services, public and private; NGOs; local public authorities etc.
- “Updated compulsory national curriculum for secondary education” – noncompetitive call, one project of 38 mil. euro. Eligible applicant: Ministry of Education and other subordinated bodies. Among eligible partners are: educational institutions – ISCED 2; public and private suppliers of guidance, counseling, mediation and alternative services; NGOs; local public authorities; National Prisons Administration etc.
Other financing for private beneficiaries:
- “Romania Start-up Plus” (Final Guideline)– projects of up to 5.000.000 euro, aiming at supporting the establishment of enterprises with non-agricultural profile in urban areas, where among eligible applicants are: authorized training providers; chambers of commerce; NGOs; trade unions and employers’ organizations etc.
- “School for All” (The Ministry announced that the launch of the final guidelines for the call for projects will be this week) – projects of up to 1.500.000 euro, aiming at facilitating the access to education and preventing / reducing the rate of early school leaving. Among the eligible applicants are: NGOs; religious institutions; public or private educational institutions (compulsory participation); various organizations with attributions in education area.