POCU workshop (AHK Romania – Vapro Romania)
May 11, 2016
VAPRO Romania, in partnership with AHK Romania, organizes a workshop to discuss the European funds available for human resources development, within Human Capital Operational Programme 2014-2020 (POCU).
The event will take place on 16th of May 2016 between 9:30 – 12:30 at AHK Romania Headquarter from Clucerului Street, No. 35, Bucharest.
The subjects that will be discussed:
- News about future POCU calls for project proposals;
- Financing possibilities within POCU;
- Types of eligible expenditures within human resources projects;
If you want to develop together with our consultants a project draft that will focus on the main aspects of your company development scenario, register as soon as possible at soare.matilda@ahk.rumaenien.ro because the number of participants is limited (12 people)!
For detailed information regarding the event please contact us at the e-mail address mentioned above.