SEE and Norway grants – funding for the inclusion of Roma children in schools
February 22, 2018
A new call for projects has been launched within the EEA and Norway Grants Fund 2014-2021: “National partnership cooperation projects in the field of Roma children inclusion in school”, with the purpose to increase the capacity of schools to ensure the inclusion of Roma children.
Call allocation:
- 811.764 euro.
Non-reimbursable financing:
- Minimum – 60.000 euro.
- Maximum – 200.000 euro.
The non-reimbursable financing covers:
- public institutions – 100% from eligible costs
- NGOs – 90% from eligible costs
Eligible applicants:
- Romanian NGOs or Romanian public institutions active in the area of Roma children inclusion, on behalf of a consortium.
Eligible partners:
- 5 – 6 Romanian schools with at least 20% of Roma children students enrolled, schools from disadvantaged communities.
Eligible activities:
- training of teachers working with Roma children;
- developing new curricula and/or teaching materials on inclusiveness and multicultural environment;
- extracurricular activities for Roma and non-Roma parents/students (on discrimination and inclusion issues).
Implementation period:
- Mininum – 12 months;
- Maximum – 24 months.
Eligible expenditures:
- management, implementation and project activities;
- implementation of eligible activities (salaries);
- transport;
- support for the participants with special needs.
Deadline for project submission: 31.05.2018.
For more information you can consult a summary of the guideline here.