VAPRO – Summary table of non-reimbursable funds!
July 29, 2016
VAPRO Romania has developed a brief summary of the most interesting non-reimbursable financing possibilities for the private field (small and medium enterprises, large enterprises) from rural and urban areas, and also for NGOs, public institutions or other organizations from the targeted field.
For each type of financing opportunity you can identify:
- estimated / official launch date;
- financial allocation of the call for proposals;
- grant amount;
- types of eligible applicants;
- eligible expenditures;
To download the document click here!
Also, starting with 28th of July 2016, existing companies or start-ups from rural areas can submit projects for funding non-agricultural activities. The grant awarded can reach up to 70.000 euro (100 % non-refundable) for PNDR 6.2 sub-measure and up to 90% of the project cost (but not less than 200.000 euro) for PNDR 6.4 sub-measure.