Agriculture / Rural area
Non-reimbursable investments in rural areas are financed within National Program for Rural Development (NRDP).
The National Rural Development Programme (NRDP) is financed through the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and supports the strategic development of the rural area through restructuring and increasing farms’ viability; ensuring a sustainable management of natural resources and combating climate changing; diversification economic activities, creation of new work places, improvement of infrastructure and services for a better life in rural areas.
NRDP was implemented during 2007-2013 and continues in the current programming period, 2014-2020 with an allocation of 9,47 billions euro (8,12 billions euro EAFRD and 1,34 billions euro national contribution) being divided into 15 rural development measures and a Fruit-growing sub-programme:
- M 01 – Knowledge transfer and information actions – 67 mil. euro
- M 02 – Consulting services, farm management and farm relief services – 71 mil. euro
- M 04 – Investments in physical assets – 2.413 mil. euro
- M 06 – Farms development – 1.105 mil. euro
- M 07 – Basic services and village renewal in rural areas – 1.298 mil. euro
- M 08 – Investments in forest areas development– 124 mil. euro
- M 09 – Setting-up producer groups and organisations – 20 mil. euro
- M 10 – Agri-environment and climate – 1.070 mil. euro
- M 11 – Ecological farming – 236 mil. euro
- Organic farming M 13 – Payments for areas facing natural or other specific constraints – 1.355 mil. euro
- M 15 – Forest environmental services, climate services and forest conservation services – 117 mil. euro
- M 16 – Cooperation – 31 mil. euro
- M 17 – Risk management – 200 mil. euro
- M 19 – LEADER local development – 636 mil. euro
- M 20 – Technical assistance, including National Network for Rural Development – 209,8 mil. euro
⇒ To help you, we grouped the available financing opportunities according to your needs (access the category you are interested in): |
- Investments in farms for crops;
- Investments in farms for animals;
- Investments in pomiculture;
- Investments in irrigations;
- Other types of investments in rural areas;
For detailed information regarding: eligibility of your project idea, calendar of the calls, writing the financing application, project management and more other opportunities please contact us or send the contact form.